"Business Leather Factory" was established as a genuine leather item brand for business persons
Started sales on the internet
We succeeded in getting new demands by suggesting the genuine leather products with similar prices of the synthetic leather products to the customers who are used to buy synthetic leather items instead of genuine ones because of the expensive prices of the genuine ones. Also, we are specialized in the business scenes and we also work on differentiating our products from other competitors’. We focus on business items exclusively and our customers can get all business leather items with the same color. “The Leather Items to make you more elegant and professional” which will make you feel like getting one after another. The concept which was likely but not actually existing and the high quality with the extraordinary reasonable price have never cut off the line of repeaters.
In 2011, we met Faruk Hossain, and started “JOGGO” the custom order business in order to solve the poverty issue in Bangladesh. We created a training room in the factory and concentrated on human capacity building to train employees to get the professional technics from zero base. We train our employees with full time salary during their training, and work on providing “comfortable work environment” where our employees can feel the worth of their work. Hearing the reputation of our factories, friends of our employees and even employees from other factories started desiring to work with our factory, and the number is growing.
However, it will take time to provide job opportunities to all people with just one brand. Therefore, we established another brand “Business Leather Factory” to create more employment. We are aiming to create more job opportunities by establishing “genuine leather brand specialized in the business scenes” which never existed.
We decided to establish a leather product factory in order to create employment in Bangladesh and improve the living standard of local people. In Bangladesh, there is a beautiful religious festival once a year. In the festival, people consume lots of beef, and at the same time plenty of cowhide is left behind as garbage. We make it possible to utilize the local resource and create employment by turning the cowhide into leather products.
Moreover, we set our employment policy to prioritize those who are from poor family and have responsibility to look after their families, those who have no previous experience, and find it difficult to be employed by other factories, as well as those who tend to face labor discrimination especially women.
The creation of employment is just the first step for the goal of Borderless Leather Factory. We are planning on building the support system with less burden on our employees by providing them with facilities where workers who travel away from home can live in, as well as environment where we can look after children of mothers working for our factory. Furthermore, we have started considering running a school to tackle the issue of education which is related to poverty in the root cause. We will not limit ourselves within the framework of creating employment, but will approach more comprehensively in order to solve social problems in Bangladesh. There, we are hoping to propose an “ideal factory” to be the role model in Bangladesh.
In addition, there are still many places in the world such as Argentine in South America and Ethiopia in Africa where people do not utilize cowhide as local resource while they consume cow as much as Bangladeshi people do. In these areas, if we could establish a factory with the high quality production Technics, we would be able to create large employment. We believe that it is our mission to improve the lives of Bangladeshi people as soon as possible, and duplicate this social model all over the world.